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    Mayor Han attends a symposium at Stanford University : Introducing outstanding people and funds to revive Kaohsiung city’s economy Print
      Update Time:2019-08-30 13:48

    [Kaohsiung News] Kaohsiung Mayor Kuo-yu Han (4/15) had a meeting with Stanford University students to exchange views on issues such as brain drain, cross-strait issues, industrial transformation, education and culture. Mayor Han said that because of low salary, lack of international vision, international competitiveness and development, it is very important to introduce foreign talents. Therefore, he offered incentives after his inauguration. “Foxconn Technology Group is to invest in Kaohsiung and recruite 3,000 engineers with NT$50,000 per month.”


    On the cross-strait issue, he hoped that leaders could handle it with wisdom. He said: “There are 50 million overseas Chinese watching Taiwan's development and whether we are willing to take Chinese culture as the root or not. If overseas Chinese are willing to support Taiwan, the power and funds will be amazing. After 2020, we are facing the high risks brought by extreme politics, so he brings up the slogan ‘Defense depends on the United States, technology depends on Japan, the market depends on China, and efforts are on ourselves,’ hoping to make ‘Taiwan safe, people prosperous.’"


    Regarding industrial transformation, Mayor Han said that he wouldn’t focus on land development. He was more concerned about making the city prosperous and the next generation to have better education and to enhance the city's competitiveness. “We have missed the opportunity to learn high-speed development models such as Shenzhen and other cities. We hope that the two cities will strengthen exchanges and find our own way to promote the development of our city.”


    On the issue of education, he believed that deducting the study time spending on textbooks that were compiled by Ministry of Education was quite limited. “We have a very huge gap between creating a bilingual environment and implementing English education in mathematics, chemistry, and sports. Therefore, without having much time, it is our priority to promote bilingual education in both Chinese and English. Mother-tongue education can be carried out in a way by community promotion and learning at home.”
